Building Hope in St Monica’s and St Benedict’s Parishes

Over the last two years, we have heard the term Building Hope being mentioned many times. Building Hope is an initiative by the Dublin Archdiocese, and it is a process of pastoral renewal of parish communities, they have been working on for some time.

But what does that mean to us in the parishes of St Monica’s and St Benedict’s? Many things have changed and developed over the past two years. Firstly, we have now become part of a Parish Partnership with Raheny, Donaghmede and Ayrfield. Our new partnership has brought many new opportunities such as:

  • Partnership Pilgrimages to Knock
  • Partnership Penitential Services during Lent and Advent
  • Gathering of our Ministry groups from all five parishes for ongoing training and reflection.
  • Streamlining of administrative and pastoral resources

It has of course also brought its challenges. One challenge we have had to face together is how best to serve each parish community in light of the reality of the ageing profile of our communities and the reduced number of priests. We had to make difficult decisions last year surrounding the Mass Schedule to reflect the reduced number of priests.  Although we have had to reduce Masses across our Parish Partnership, the introduction of Adoration, Lectio Divina and Service of the Word has given us more opportunities to gather together in prayer.

The Archbishop has recently launched the Building Hope Pastoral Strategic Planning Resource 2025–2027. If anyone would like to look at the Resource, it is available on our website under the Building Hope tab. This will begin to form our Parish Pastoral Plan for St Monica’s and St Benedict’s Parish. We must keep looking forward to ensuring that we shape the future of our parishes in light of the Gospel rather than simply reacting to events. Everyone must have a voice and a say in how we move forward in our parish. We invite all parishioners to participate in this conversation as we build hope for a new future in our parishes.  

Our gathering for St Monica’s Parish will take place on Saturday 1st of February at 10:30 am in St Monica’s Church.

The Gathering for St Benedict’s Parish will take place early in February. The time and date will be confirmed in next week’s newsletter.